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Since mid-July 2012 about 1500 families have occupied a feld of around 50 hectares located between “La Banda” and “Alderetes” in the province of Tucumán, Argentina.

With the intention of paying for the land which belongs to the Sugar Mill “Concepcion”, families divided the feld into small plots and settled with tents and cardboard shacks.

Most of these families ‘members, have unregistered employment without salary bills , andtherefore do not have the requirements to apply for a place in the housing programme launched by the IPVDU ( provincial institute of housing and urban development ).

This project aims at documenting the arduous setting process of a neighborhood, from about the land seizures.

It tries to make visible, only a small sector victim of the great housing problems threatening not only the province, but also the whole country.

It tries to show ordinary, honest, and hard working people, fghting for a future for their children, fghting for a right. Standing in front of a dream, the house itself, a decent housing.