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In the depths of the freezing land, in the Andean Altiplano, where the sun and the world converge, with a humble viewpoint I attempt give life and materialize to silence.

They say that the Suri dances when the storm is coming.

Every 15 th August, the month when the Andean communities show their respects and ofer to The Pachamama ( Mother Earth), hundreds of promising women and men are dressed in traditional attires and re-live an ancient celebration.

People send up prayers in the name of Virgin Mary, asking for rainwater, so needed in thedry Puna.

They say bulls go out looking for fun.

In the centre of the village, the main square. The parades have already passed and a blinding sunshine announces the beginning of the show.

Bulls come into the scene, pushed from one to meet improvised bullfghters, willing to take out a band with silver coins fastened to the animal ́s horns.

They say faith can move mountains.

Diferent from bull- fght from other parts of the world, in Casabindo the animals are not killed or hurt. He, who seizes the band, can will proudly ofer it to the virgin as a sign of faith.

Mountains are there still alive, with a cross on top and maybe moving.

Courage, Faith and Syncretism are combined to give birth to a celebration day at the heart of the “Puna Jujeña”.